Posted by : Unknown Saturday, August 10, 2013

Biography of My Chemical Romance
My Chemical Romance atau MCR adalah grup musik asal New Jersey, yang dibentuk pada bulan September tahun 2001 oleh Gerard Way dan Matt Pelissier. Saat ini, band ini diawaki oleh Gerard Way (vokal), Mikey Way (bass), Ray Toro (lead guitar), Frank Iero (gitar), dan Bob Bryar (drum). Nama band ini terinspirasi oleh buku karangan Irvine Welsh yaitu Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance.
My Chemical Romance adalah grup band yang menurut media bergenre pop punk, post-hardcore, “punk revival”, rock alternatif, dan emo. Namun grup ini mendeskripsikan musik mereka sebagai musik “rock” atau “pop yang kasar”, dan menolak diklasifikasikan sebagai emo. Grup ini telah merilis tiga album yaitu I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love pada tahun 2002, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge pada tahun 2004, dan The Black Parade pada tahun 2006.
Band ini mendapat inspirasi dari Queen, Black Flag, Iron Maiden, The Misfits, Morissey, At the Gates, Pink Floyd, The Smashing Pumpkins, Descendents, Pantera, The Cure, dan The Smiths.


Mereka sepakat membentuk MCR dengan sebuah alasan yang sama yaitu untuk sebuah balas dendam!! Kok bisa???
Sang vokalis Gerard Way, adalah seorang maniak komik, hanya tertarik dengan komik dan musik. Gerardseorang yang senang membuat berbagai hal kreatif untuk dirinya sendiri. Dia adalah tipe penyendiri dan menjadikannya agak “terisolasi” dan dianggap “tidak ada” di sekolah.
Sama halnya seperti Gerard, Ray Toro sang gitaris, juga seperti dianggap “tidak ada” disekolahnya. Setiap pulang sekolah, dia langsung pulang ke rumah hanya untuk bermain gitar dan video game seharian.
Yang agak berbeda mungkin Frank Iero, meski hanya memiliki tiga orang teman di sekolahnya, akan tetapi setiap hari dia hanya ngeganja dan mabuk-mabukan. Frank seperti bingung harus berbuat apa.
Kelima anak-anak “tersisih” tersebut berjuang untuk tetap bertahan di sekolah dengan kesadaran.
Musik memang ajaib, mereka yang berasal dari sekolah berbeda itu, disatukan dalam sebuah band. Inilah awal dari MCR. Gerard adalah salah satu saksi hidup ketika teroris meruntuhkan World Trade Center, 11 September 2001 lalu. Rasa marah, kesal, gelisah, sedih dan resahnya kemudian dituangkan dalam lagu berjudul “Skylines and Turntiles” yang ditulisnya bersama Matt ‘Otter’ Pelisier. Mereka kemudian mengajak Ray Toro dan Mikey Way (adik Gerard) untuk bergabung. Nama band sendiri diusulkan oleh Mikey ketika membaca buku berjudul Ectassy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance, tulisan Irvine Welsh.
Ketenaran datangnya memang kadang sering tak terduga. Ini juga yang dialami 5 orang cowok yang bisa dibilang comic-book-obsessed dari New Jersey. Karena gara-gara album perdana mereka jadi hits tiba-tiba ketenaran mereka meroket.
Sekitar tahun 2003, mereka dikontrak oleh Reprise Warner Bross dan merilis album “Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge” yang diproduseri oleh Howard Benson, pada tanggal 4 juni 2004. Album yang boleh dibilang menjadi tonggak awal kesuksesan MCR.
Mereka bertambah sukses lagi ketika lagu – lagu mereka di album ini menjadi berhasil menjadi hits di radio komersial dan MTV, seperti “Helena” (yang diciptakan Gerard untuk nenek tercintanya, Elena, setelah beliau meninggal), “I’m Not Okay”, “The Ghost Of You”, dan “Thank You For The Venom”. Album ini juga berhasil meraih charts di Billboard.
Seiring pertumbuhan popularitas mereka, Matt Pelisier (drummer) keluar dari MCR pada Agustus 2004 ketika mereka lagi tur di Jepang. Alasannya belum jelas, tapi ada yang mengatakan kalo alasannya karena perdebatan dengan Ray atau karena ada kesalahan yang diperbuat Matt ketika konser dan dengan segera digantikan oleh Bob Bryar.

Cobaan dan Cibiran
Selain sempat “goyang” dikarenakan keluarnya Matt Pelisier, MCR juga sempat dikatakan “hampir rontok” ketika Iero meninggalkan tur pada tanggal 11 November 2007 di Newcastle, setelah mendengar kabar mengenai anggota keluarganya yang sakit dan digantikan sementara oleh teknisi gitar MCR, Matt Cortez. Matt juga sempat menggantikan Mikey Way saat ia “cuti” enam bulan setelah menikah. Sakit dan meninggalkan tur juga masih dialami oleh drummer Bob Bryar yang mengalami cedera pergelangan tangan.
Meskipun MCR mengganggap aliran musik mereka adalah “pop punk”, “post-hardcore”, “punk revival” dan “alternatif pop rock” serta menolak dikatakan sebagai band emo, banyak kritikus musik yang menggolongkan mereka secara perlahan-lahan masuk dalam aliran emo.
Ejekan sebagai “anak-anak emo” ini pernah secara kasar dilontarkan oleh band Inggris Kasabian yang menyebut MCR dengan “clowns” atau “emo kids”. Entah mengapa, Kasabian menyebut MCR sebagai satu band yang tidak punya sesuatu yang positif untuk dikatakan.
Selain itu, Marilyn Manson juga mengejek MCR sebagai “Peniru yang Menyedihkan”. Manson mengklaim bahwa MCR telah merampok gayanya.
Dalam interviewnya dengan The London Paper, Manson mengatakan kalau lagu “Mutilation Is The Most Sincere Form Of Flattery” dari album barunya Eat Me, Drink Me menceritakan tentang pakaian Gerard Way sang vokalis MCR.

Bring Black Parade To Life!
anggal 23 Oktober 2006, MCR merilis album ketiga mereka, ‘The Black Parade’ yang diproduseri oleh Rob Cavallo. Album ini aslinya berjudul ‘The Rise and Fall of My Chemical Romance’, tapi di interview yang diadakan oleh majalah Kerrang! Gerard mengatakan kalo judul album itu bukan judul yang sebenernya, hanya tipuan dan lelucon aja, “It was never the title of the album, more a spoof, or joke”.
Dalam album ini, MCR seolah ingin meninggalkan kesan emo dalam diri mereka dan menjadi lebih gelap. Hal itu terbukti dengan pernyataan Gerard bahwa single “Cancer” adalah single yang paling gelap sepanjang masa. Gerard menyatakan bahwa “Cancer” banyak bercerita mengenai penyakit kanker dan bercerita mengenai sesuatu yang dialami oleh si pasien kanker. ” Bagi saya, pengalaman menulis lagu ini seperti menuliskan lagu tergelap sepanjang masa dan saya rasa kami berhasil,” ujar Gerard. Album ini berhasil meraih kesuksesan dengan terjual 1,4 juta copy diseluruh dunia.
MCR juga memilih menjadi band dengan basis massa “underground” atau “grassroots”. Mereka punya fans yang siap “mencaci-maki” habis-habisan dalam forum yang mereka bikin, termasuk di situs resmi mereka. Sisi positifnya adalah, MCR menolak segala atribut yang biasanya dilekatkan pada band, seperti ‘sex icon’ dan sebagainya. Fans membuat mereka menjadi “diri mereka sendiri”.
Biodata personil My Chemical Romance
Gerard way
Ray toro
Frank Lero
Mikey way
Bob Bryar ( sudah hengkang ) Berita hengkangnya Bob bryar
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My Chemical Romance or MCR is a band from New Jersey, which was formed in September 2001 by Gerard Way and Matt Pelissier. Currently, the band was manned by Gerard Way (vocals), Mikey Way (bass), Ray Toro (lead guitar), Frank Iero (guitar), and Bob Bryar (drums). The band name was inspired by the book by Irvine Welsh is Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance.
My Chemical Romance is the band which, according to media genre of pop punk, post-hardcore, "punk revival", alternative rock, and emo. However, this group describes their music as music "rock" or "pop the rough", and refused to be classified as emo. The group has released three albums that I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love in 2002, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge in 2004, and The Black Parade in 2006.
The band drew inspiration from Queen, Black Flag, Iron Maiden, The Misfits, Morissey, At the Gates, Pink Floyd, The Smashing Pumpkins, descendents, Pantera, The Cure, and The Smiths.


They agreed to form a MCR with the same reason, namely for a revenge!! How so???
The lead singer Gerard Way, is a comic maniac, only interested in the comics and music. Gerardseorang who likes to make creative things for himself. He was a loner type and make it somewhat "isolated" and considered "nothing" at school.
Just as Gerard, guitarist Ray Toro, as well as considered to be "no" in school. Every school, he went straight home to play the guitar and only video games all day.
Somewhat different Frank Iero possible, despite having only three friends in school, but every day she just ngeganja and get drunk. Frank as confused what to do.
Fifth child "outcasts" is struggling to stay afloat in school with awareness.
Music is magic, those coming from the different schools, put together in a band. This was the beginning of the MCR. Gerard was one of the witnesses live when terrorists brought down the World Trade Center, Sept. 11, 2001. Feeling angry, upset, anxious, sad and resahnya then poured in a song called "Skylines and Turntiles" she wrote with Matt 'Otter' Pelisier. They then asked Ray Toro and Mikey Way (Gerard's younger brother) to join. The band's name itself was proposed by Mikey when reading a book called Ectassy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance, writing Irvine Welsh.
Sometimes fame comes is often unpredictable. It also experienced 5 guys who could be considered comic-book-obsessed than New Jersey. Because thanks to their debut album hits so suddenly their fame skyrocketed.
Around 2003, they were signed by Reprise and Warner Bros. released the album "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" was produced by Howard Benson, on 4 June 2004. Arguably the album that marked a successful start MCR.
They grow more successful when the song - their song on the album became hits in a successful commercial radio and MTV, such as "Helena" (Gerard created for his beloved grandmother, Elena, after he died), "I'm Not Okay", " The Ghost Of You ", and" Thank You For The Venom ". The album also won the Billboard charts.
Along their growing popularity, Matt Pelisier (drummer) out of MCR in August 2004 when they were again on tour in Japan. The reason is not clear, but some say if the reason for the debate with Ray or because there was a mistake done by Matt as a concert and was soon replaced by Bob Bryar.

Trials and Scorn
Besides could "shake" due to the release of Matt Pelisier, MCR also was said to be "almost fall" when Iero left the tour on November 11, 2007 in Newcastle, after hearing the news about a sick family member and was replaced temporarily by MCR guitar tech, Matt Cortez. Matt also had to replace Mikey Way when he was "on leave" six months after the marriage. Sick and left the tour is still experienced by drummer Bob Bryar were injured wrist.
Although MCR assume stream their music is "pop punk", "post-hardcore", "punk revival" and "alternative pop rock" and refused to say a band emo, many music critics classify them slowly into the stream of emo.
Taunts as "emo kids" was once roughly leveled by British band Kasabian who call MCR with "clowns" or "emo kids". Somehow, Kasabian called MCR as a band that does not have anything positive to say.
In addition, Marilyn Manson MCR also mocked as "a sad imitation". Manson claims that MCR has robbed her style.
In an interview with The London Paper, Manson said that the song "Mutilation Is The Most Sincere Form Of Flattery" from his new album Eat Me, Drink Me tells the story of clothing MCR vocalist Gerard Way.

Bring Black Parade To Life!
The date October 23, 2006, MCR released their third album, 'The Black Parade' was produced by Rob Cavallo. The album was originally titled 'The Rise and Fall of My Chemical Romance', but in the interview conducted by the magazine Kerrang! Gerard says if the title of the album was not a title that actually, just a hoax and a joke wrote, "It was never the title of the album, more a spoof, or joke."
In this album, MCR as emo wanted to leave an impression in themselves and become darker. This was evidenced by Gerard statement that the single "Cancer" is the single most dark of all time. Gerard stated that "Cancer" tells a lot about cancer and talk about something that is experienced by cancer patients. "For me, the experience of writing this song as write the darkest song of all time and I think we succeeded," said Gerard. The album managed to achieve success with 1.4 million copies sold worldwide.
MCR also choose a band with a mass base "underground" or "grassroots". They have fans who are ready to "berate" all-out in the forums that they make, including on their official website. The plus side is, MCR reject any attribute that is usually attached to the band, such as 'sex icon' and so on. Fans make them become "themselves".

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